Who we are.



the Name

A place where we are known, loved, and connected in a counter-cultural community. As a "Town," we hope to be a place of authentic community. This is a place where you can belong and be known.

You read it as ‘and', but the symbol is a cross. Its presence in the middle of our name symbolizes the centrality of the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection in all we are and do. We believe your experience of the gospel of Christ Christ is central to experiencing abundant life in the way of Jesus.

Our call is to sow the story of the Gospel where we live and work and serve, trusting God will grow His Kingdom across our city and beyond. The field is your gym, coffee shop, workplace, school, and all the spaces you occupy daily.


Our history informs our present, we recognize God’s faithfulness in the past as we worshiped, ministered in our city, planted churches, sent missionaries globally and trained up generation after generation of apprentices of Jesus.
See an overview of our continuing legacy here.


To see people experience abundant life in the way of Jesus.

Joining God in restoring all things – in our lives and in our world.

We believe God is active in our world
We believe God’s actions bring about renewal
We believe God wishes us to join Him in His activity and will communicate this to us if we seek and listen to Him – through His word, prayer, and listening to one another
We believe God accomplishes renewal through people empowered by the Holy Spirit
We believe renewal requires boldness in faith and in prayer

As part of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada, our essential theological convictions are aligned with those of our greater collective.
For the full statement of faith: Evangelical Free Church of Canada.
Gospel-centered:  We cling to Jesus and every word of God’s story, daily learning to unchoose alternatives
Spirit-filled:  We rely on the Holy Spirit, seeking all His joy, freedom, gifts, and fruit
Authentic + Safe:  We live vulnerably, giving one another permission to be real
True Community:  We desire everyone to be known and needed, resisting the pull of merely attending
In the Dirt:  We practice the way of Jesus in the everyday—in our work, relationships, money and rest
Every Generation:  We live as extended family across generations, and we fight for the next generation
Mercy + Justice:  We partner with others in protecting the powerless and caring for the hurting
Intentional + Inviting:  We diligently craft environments where people can encounter God
Multiplying:  We reproduce disciples, leaders, and churches who will go and do likewise
Bold in Faith + Prayer:  We believe in a big God and pursue His vision for the world to know him